(tbd) Empathy: what?

Week of: 

Review: THE ADVANTAGE (out: 4/17/24)

Case Study: Aligning Ambitions (out: 4/19/24)

I rewrote this first sentence five six times before committing to  typing it out just as it is… because I’m not very good at trying to get going but don’t know where. So this isn’t a thesis; this is an invitation. 

If you would like, you’re very welcome to explore with me an idea: how might we intentionally cultivate and practice the skill of deeply understanding others’ perspectives to inform thoughtful decision-making?

Corporate-friendly follow-up:

It feels idealistic to say but I do believe combining proper empathy with strategic thinking can help us achieve organizational goals by anticipating needs and tailoring effective solutions for both short-term objectives and long-term impact.
The same thing without a suit on:

Hope hasn’t been easy to come by in a while, but I’m too stubborn to give up; the short and long of it is- we decide how we work together. If we can decide to be territorial and reactive, sinking our own ambitions then we can decide to be wiser and more responsive. 

But is it hard. From top to bottom collaborating with humans is an unmapped minefield of abstract consequences. Bad scales. But so can good… albeit sometimes slowly and powered by delusional optimism. I don’t know what a practice looks like in its full glory; I can’t describe a frame yet; and I won’t say when it will be done.

I do know some things for sure:

1. This isn’t a by-your-bootstraps call to arms. Context matters. I know whatever the answer is for me: it will include acknowledgement of limitations and blockers outside of my control. 

2. There is a ton to read and think on and so many voices to admire (not all) in this empathy conversation. That’s intimidating… about as intimidating as it is exciting. 

3. I’m going to say YOU a lot and we. If that’s not you and you’re not we… that’s gravy. I think it just means I’m not talking to you. 

4. But if I am talking to you. Hey you. Want to join the cabal? 

This week we’re going try it out: (and the book review order was not intentionally decided)

The Advantage by Patrick M. Lencioni

A case study I’m calling “Aligning Ambitions” reflecting one way we might practice (tbd) Empathy today.

Thanks, Holli.


Review: THE ADVANTAGE, Patrick Lencioni


This is about empathy in product development (eventually)